Monday, August 16, 2010

Lazy Days of Summer

Well, we haven't exactly been lazy, but Sunday was a softer, calmer day on the farm. Our only responsibilities besides the normal feeding and watering chores were collecting the eggs, hanging the wash on the line, and picking some green beans and a few other vegies.

The baskets and bowls of beans were picked in 100 degree weather, but that is the time that they ripen right before our eyes! We put our hats on and stood in the shade of the vines to pick and pick and pick.

Chickens and pigs don't particularly care for the heat. The chickens are walking around from water bucket to shady grass with the wings held out at their sides to welcome a little freshness under the wings. The pigs are rolling in mud baths, enjoying goat milk slurpies, and rolling in the cool shade of the walnut trees.

These are some of the Armenian Cucumbers that we also call snake cucumbers. They belong to the melon family, taste like a cucumber, and they don't require any peeling. They are wonderful in salads, fresh eating, and for use in Bread and Butter Pickles.

Fresh peppers, fresh eggs, and a little cheese could make some really delicious Chile Rellenos! Hmmm, what to make first?! Here's to our beautiful Southern Oregon Summers and the Green Garden!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    Those are some great cucumber pictures.

    I love to grow many different kinds of Armenian cucumbers. There are many cucumber-melons like these that can be light, dark, striped and have all different shapes. The majority of them are native to Italy and are referred to as Carosello. Thanks for sharing your harvest!

