Here is the start of St. Paddy's Day Dinner! Cooking the brine for the brisket. Start with ONE and a HALF Gallons of water, aka
6 Quarts of Water (I use wide mouth canning jar to measure)
1 1/2 Cups Salt
3 Cups Brown Sugar
1 Cup Pickling Spice
4 Whole Star Anise
2 Whole Cinnamon Sticks
8 Whole Cloves
1 Cup of beet juice (I used pickled beet juice!) It adds color and subtle flavor
15 Black Pepper Corns IF the pickling spice you use doesn't have any.
Bring ingredients to a boil and stir for about 5 minutes. Remove from heat.
2 Quarts Cool Water
Let brine cool to room temperature.
You can cut this recipe in half if using one piece of meat. This is enough for three Ziplock bags and meat.

Once brine is cooled, put brisket, a roast, a large flat steak, even London Broil cut of meat into a gallon sized Ziplock bag. Using a cup with a pour spout, pour brine into bag with meat. Cover the meat completely. Mostly seal the Ziplock bag, then slowly force air out of bag. Finish sealing bag. Put meat in brine in a bowl or casserole dish and place in refrigerator for 2-4 days. Turn bags over to be sure meat is fully submerged in brine each day.