Sugar Pie and Fairytale Pumpkins have been harvested!
Pumpkins in the barn and lots of eggs such pretty colors.
Pumpkins at the garden gate
Pumpkin in the birdbath
Pumpkin Chocolate fudge. It is a new favorite on the farm.
Using sugar pie pumpkins from the garden, the puree is mixed into the batter
Happy Bats!
Hand knitted pumpkin by Tyler, age 8.
Turkeys roosting the yard and pumpkins at the well.
Kitchen full of fall and pumpkin goodies.
Sunshine streaming through the rainshowers.
Shadowy afternoons.
Walnut drying station!
Produce weighing station.
I love you, Mom! xo
Masks and pumpkins
Pumpkin treats made for students along with popcorn balls.
Early fall morning after the stormy night. So many walnuts ready to be gathered.
Walnuts for Sale!
~ Happy Fall and Happy Halloween! ~