Friday, January 27, 2012

Market Research

Here we are nearing the end of January and the most important events happening right now are stall cleaning, egg hunting, and market research! Current research is taking place in the kitchen with a variety of popcorn samplers Tim ordered from Indiana!

The particular batch we popped was the "Blue' which is noted for its sweeter taste. Well, it was pretty sweet just to have the freshly popped popcorn! Our Amish friends in Indiana painstakingly pack all of the popcorn by variety, color, and size. We will be saving the 'Rainbow' variety after sampling all of the flavors individually.

Popping the corn on the stovetop is so quick and easy. We add a little melted butter, a shake or two of salt, and a scant sprinkling of sugar and there is a fresh pot of kettle corn, ready to warm the January evenings!

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